Category: see

calendar for “SSB” public transport in Stuttgart
The last calendar I made for the “Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG”. Continue reading

random graphics
„wo der Zufall abnimmt nimmt der Abfall zu“ (Sigward Sprotte)
Its playing with words an impossible to translate. A try: “while chance (in the meaning of randomness) decreases junk increases”

Vienna 2011
A huge pile of art in high quality. Klimt and Schieles at different places, couldn’t see all of them because they were at too many places. An impressing exhibition of photorealistic art; Chuck Close, Richard Estes … in the museum of modern art.
Vienna doesn’t seem to be a healthy place for musicians. All of them had already died; Beethoven, Mahler, Schubert, J. Strauß, Bruckner… One living musician sat on a bridge on a cold day in february an played “besame mucho” on his accordion. He already looked pretty sick.
Some photos.